Friday, January 6, 2012

Enlarged Spleen in Dog?

In reality you can do nothing except make your dog feel as comfortable until you get the biopsy back as you have obviously read up a little about spleens and the fact that an animal like a human can and do live without one.i it is not uncommon to have some fluid or minor trauma done to ociated organs or blood vessels when a spleen is badly enlarged given it ws caused by some sort of trauma which you may not have been aware of.Cancer cells do not always have to resemble a tumor unfortunately and at the present you are thinking the worst rather than trying to be positive.At the worst scenario it may be Secondary cancer and the vet need to discover where the primary is and the best outcome is that the dog will be fime as no damge to other organs has occurred.If you trust your vet with the biopsy ressult that is fine but if your dog continues to go downhill in weight and other sinister symptoms may l suggest another vet who may specialize in this and l say that as a vet nurse as you are aware vets are not all perfect and it is often good to seek a further info as per humans when diagnosed with something which may b e serious should consult another professional for a 2nd opinion..l would not call what l am saying as 'words of wisdom'simply experience in working and seeing many many cases ranging from a sore toe to a nasty invasive cancer which cannot be treated.One last thing the cause of the enlarged spleen as indicated in ping above may have been caused by some trauma or it is secondary to a more major problem.It is not something that can happen overnight unless a fall or bad accident or other trauma and the only other thing l can think of is that your dog had had this condition slowly built up over time and it may go back several years when something happened re a fall or accident or dog fight.l have never heard of tick bites causing a spleen to enlarge as paralysis ticks which are the nasty ones for dogs merely inject poison and eventually suck the blood out of a victim although it is theoretically possible that a tick bite may cause damage to major organs but that is only ociated by the affects of the final death via many many tick bites on this large animal,usually the back legs buckle so l would hardly think a tick would be the casue and would dismiss this put of hand.At present l am sure your vet has told you to feed your dog on light foods,keep the animal warm and inside for several days until you get the results that is all you can do and it is not use me saying do not worry or panic as faced with what you have l would be feeking exactly the same,scared and concerned for a beloved pet

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