Sunday, January 1, 2012

Am I having an allergic reaction to the kitchen cleaner 409? Have you? Please let me know!?

Thursday April 10, 2008 I had this warm red thing on the side of my cheek and neck. By Monday, this "acne-like" rash traversed to my forehead and left side of my face and neck. I thought it was a bad rash and I went to three different doctors, who 2/3 said it was acne. I've had acne before, but it was NEVER this severe. At most, as an adult, I would get two or three pimples at a time. I realized that the only thing that has changed is that we have been using 409 at work. I know that everyone around me was disinfecting their desk with 409 right before my skin irritation started. Then on Saturday, I rewiped my entire desk with 409 kitchen cleaner, and then my chest and my arms and legs (and excuse me) my behind started developping more of a reaction. I went to Urgent Care yesterday and they stopped my "minocycline" medication and recommended benadryl and another prescription steroid. Any one else suffering from 409 allergies? we used the 409 antibacterial kitchen all purpose cleaner.

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